Jill Underly is the wise choice

The choice is stark. The next Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction will be either a lifelong educator who worked at every level of education or a registered private voucher lobbyist who is funded by privateers.
The Superintendent’s responsibilities include developing standards, distributing and managing funding, and ensuring that schools comply with laws. More importantly, the Superintendent is the chief advocate for public schools and all the students they serve. Jill Underly does that extremely well and has earned my vote. Note: Her opponent never even had a Wisconsin teaching license.
Jill Underly understands how 16 years of funding shortfalls have impacted public schools and resulted in hundreds of school referendums. She recently proposed a significant increase in school funding to begin to make up for years of underfunding.
Perhaps the most important increase needed is for special education. Currently, public schools are reimbursed at about 33 percent of special education costs, leaving districts to find other sources to cover this mandated expense. Underly proposed the reimbursement rate of 75 percent. Note: The special needs voucher for private schools is reimbursed at 90 percent.
Our founders got it right in 1848 when the promise of quality public education was enshrined in the Wisconsin Constitution. Jill Underly believes in Wisconsin’s promise and that public education is the cornerstone of American democracy. A vote for Jill Underly is a vote for Wisconsin’s promise, for this generation and many to come.
Vote on April 1 for Jill Underly for Superintendent of Public Instruction.